Liz is the founder of Bermondsey Fayre Yoga and teaches weekly Hatha Yoga Classes at Bermondsey Fayre as well as monthly workshops in Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra. 

Bermondsey Fayre - Location - 212 Bermondsey Street, near London Bridge, London SE1 3TQ

At Bermondsey Fayre we are very fortunate to offer a selection of yoga classes within a local and intimate setting, yet in the centre of London,  in the wonderful Bermondsey Street. 

Classes are kept small to allow for individual attention and mixed abilities.

We have a wonderful team of Yoga Teachers – all members of the British Wheel of Yoga and Yoga Alliance

Liz Dillon, Ling Mann, Claire Donaldson, Tania Plahay, Alison Fiddler, Thea Maillard and Laura Glaser.  These classes run on every day of the week and please see the Bermondsey Fayre Schedule for full timetable. 


Hatha Yoga Classes with Liz 


Liz teaches Hatha Yoga classes at Bermondsey Fayre - on Tuesdays at 6.15pm and 7.45pm and also Sundays at 10.15am.  

"In an age of constant acceleration nothing can be more exhilarating than going slow. In an age of constant distraction nothing is so luxurious as paying attention. In an age of constant movement nothing is so urgent as sitting still" Pico Iyer.

These classes vary from week to week.  Liz brings a meditative quality into the classes to allow students space in their week for reflective practise together with the physical yoga asana - postures. Liz brings in her passion for the therapeutic aspects of yoga and her belief in allowing each student to find what is the practise that is right for their body on an individual day and trusting that this can change.  Liz invites students to be inquisitive and to come with a beginners mind - open to discovering new qualities in each posture and new understandings of the body, mind and breath and the union of them all.


Monthly Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra Workshops 

Sunday 6-8pm 


Restorative Yoga promotes deep relaxation allowing the body's natural rhythms to restore themselves.  It supports the para sympathetic nervous and allows for deep healing and rest. The sessions are completed with a long guided Yoga Nidra - Yogic Sleep - the place between sleeping and dreaming where deep healing occurs.  It is said that half an hour of Yoga Nidra is equivalent to 4 hours of good quality sleep!